
Kiké Hernandez Running For His Life From a Drone Was A+ Entertainment Last Night

Kiké seeing a drone is kinda the same feeling I get watching Aroldis Chapman close out baseball games this year. Pure panic. Run as far away as humanly possible before he gives up a nuke. 

The Dodgers utility man is not overly fond of drones. How can you blame him? I mean we've all seen the movies. We know what they're capable of. You've got drones hovering all sorts of fields in 2020 and I don't feel comfortable about it one bit. Why does this keep happening? We've had at least four or five drone delays in Major League Baseball this year which seems like four or five too many. It's 2020's version of streakers. Is it all the Astros doing? Trevor Bauer doing some scouting? Riggs losing control of his golf drone? Whatever it is, it's gotta stop. 

So how do we stop this? Maybe have all of your relievers who throw 100 mph arm themselves with baseballs and try to get them to knock it out of the sky? Alter your t shirt cannons to actual cannons? Now THAT would be entertainment. Let's capitalize on this people. Instead of getting all hyped up when position players come in to pitch, let's go nuts when teams try to blow a drone out of the sky. If you don't switch the dial upon that Twitter alert then you don't have a soul. 

P.S. I had no idea Kiké was a funny guy. Get me more of this man mic'd up ASAP.