
Welcome Home Pedro Strop

I know I’m not alone when I say this season just hasn’t felt right without Pedro Strop. The bullpen obviously fucking stinks but at a higher level it’s more about the energy. The attitude. The fact that Pedro Strop is the best reliever in Cubs history that literally NO ONE EVER TALKS ABOUT. Why is that? There’s two relievers since 2015 that have never qualified for an ERA over 3.00. Pedro Strop and Kenley Jansen. Suck on that.

Contract wise I’m not 1,000% how this changes the Cubs ability to pay for anything. But in light of the news that the Cubs are now oddsmakers and taking action, I sure hope we can afford the move. I know we let him walk initially for not wanting to pay for him. Kinda funny that we wait for the pen to suck horrifically to get the solution going. Either way though feels good to have him back. I legit love this man and I’m not alone.

On the topic of not bringing guys back, never forget it took 3.5 seasons to replace Dexter Fowler. Albert Almora didn’t pan out. That might kill me more than how much Quintana fucking sucks or how useless Kimbrel has become. Toss up city population me and Theo. 

Anyways welcome back Pedro. We missed you.