
REF CONSPIRACY: Chris Paul Says Scott Foster Reminded Him He Reffed His 2008 Game 7 Loss And Then Lied When Giving Him A Technical Last Night

Hell yeah. This is how I know the world is healing. Chris Paul is bitching about Scott Foster and is completely correct. Scott Foster fucking sucks. Somehow he keeps getting big time games and keeps fucking with Chris Paul. This time it started with him reminding him that he reffed his 2008 game 7 loss. Then it goes to him purposely lying and giving him a technical that could have won the Thunder the game. That's the conspiracy we need. 

I will always, ALWAYS, go against a ref. They stink at their job with no repercussion. That was even more clear yesterday when you had the shitshow in the Bucks/Heat ending and then the last minute or so of the Thunder/Rockets. It took away what we should be talking about. Jimmy Butler just owning the Bucks real estate and the James Harden block on Lu Dort. But instead we have Scott Foster drama. 

Paul has a point too! Watch the video. That's where he gets a technical. They are sweeping the floor. What else is he supposed to do here? You can't just tie your shoes? Feel like that should be allowed but that's just me.