
Guy Gets His Flight Delayed By Airdropping Porn To A Fellow Passenger

"We've already incurred enough of a delay, you can thank the prankster for that....aannyyyywho we're gonna get rolling here and will have you off to Pheonix as soon as possible!"  It doesn't get much more 'pilot' than that. The cadence, the tone, the telling everyone when they're going to leave without actually telling anyone when they're going to leave. All of it. 

As far as the the delay goes, I can't say I agree. Unless the person is sending some really raunchy stuff just let it go. Don't tell on them, find them. Stand up look around and spot the creeper I guarantee it won't be that hard. Just look for the guy peering through the seats with a smile on his face. That or turn your bluetooth off. 

I got airdropped a pair of boobs (do you call them a pair? a set? idk) once on the subway and it wasn't that bad. The conductor didn't stop the train for it. He carried on with his job because he knew people had places to be. It's called being a professional. That pilot should've done the same thing. Grow up and carry on, people. Life goes on.