
White Sox Stand Pat At Deadline And That's Perfectly Fine

It was a weird night because I was fighting with myself on whether or not the Sox would/should trade one of Vaughn or Kopech to acquire one of Lynn/Clev/Woodburn. They didn't do that, and they didn't land any SP or relief depth at the deadline. A little birdie told me they were really close on Clev, but in the end weren't comfortable giving up anything more than their originally proposed offer.

Then you take these tweets from the big dogs...

And to that, I say trust the process. This team doesn't just want to win right now, it is winning, and there are still two major reinforcements on the way that will be here in 2021 that will not cost them an ounce of prospect capital to place on the big league roster. Trading either of those players would have been hind sighted now that I've had time to digest the zero move deadline and I am glad neither of them were moved.

Need to get Rodon healthy and with how good Dunning has looked, the White Sox rotation is good enough to win a division this year. I'm not saying they're going to win it or make a run at a World Series, but it's good enough for year 1 of the contention window. Anyone with a brain knows that they need to add a SP and a RF this winter, and nobody knows that more than Rick Hahn himself. I choose to think they'll be major players this winter once the Covid shit ends and not if, but when they fill those two holes, the White Sox are set for a LONG time. I've been saying it for years, but it's finally coming to fruition.

Let's beat the shit out of the Twins this week and then take care of the sister's of the poor the rest of the year and coast into the playoffs. This team is starting to scare other teams/fanbases and with good reason. Pray for the league.