
Defending The Wall Has A Price...The Barstool Boston Crew Is Currently Being Arraigned

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One of the most insane and entertaining days in Barstool history has unfortunately come with a price: I’m told our brave Night’s Watch crew of Pres, Feits, Sales Guy, and Handsome Hank are due to be arraigned this morning and won’t be released until sometime later today. And obviously having no blogs going up on Boston the day after one of the biggest attention grabbing stunts ever is a bad idea so you’re stuck with me until the Barstool Four finds freedom.


The good news? Somehow I’ve been sucked into defending the wall with mainstream media outlets looking for quotes. And thankfully after thousands of #Deflategate blogs from Pres, I have enough of a read on his basic argument that I ended up getting to give absurd quotes to credible publications like Pres’s pals at


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And it was even the #1 story on there overnight, crime pays. Also the fine folks at the NY Post got a little Spags quote love, too:


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Boston Jerk Party in that lead paragraph, that one must have taken a few hours of brainstorming. And lastly even Daily Mail reached out from across the pond and put me parroting Pres’s agenda side by side with Ted Wells defending his report, just two peers talking shop:


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They didn’t use the part where I called our crew “glorified political prisoners” sadly but I think we won this one versus Ted Wells (who doesn’t have a photo since 1998 AND has a real dope Billy Dee Williams mustache??? Who knew?).


Anyway we’re going to make the best of it here on Boston today. I’ve had Greenie and Carrabis throw together some sports blogs to soften the blow of you guys not having Feits and Pres today, I’ll chime in with some dumb shit, we’ll get through this.


Anyway hit me up on Twitter if you’ve got bloggable things or recent pictures of Ted Wells and his undoubtedly outrageous mustache. #Defendthewall and ruff ruff buy a shirt for the Pres Legal Defense Fund.


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