
Hey Big 10, What's The Difference Between Thanksgiving Week and Mid-October?

What is the Big Ten doing? I mean, I guess it's a start that they're considering moving the start of the season back up from potentially January, but what does this even do? If you start during the week of Thanksgiving, that still isn't time to play in the College Football Playoff. So I don't really care if we start on November 25th or January's still too late. And it's right in the middle of flu season. I mean, is it possible that this a worse idea than the original terrible idea? Kevin Warren never ceases to amaze me. 

But seriously, if we're willing to move it up to November, why can't we move it up to October? This 6 week difference is going to cost the Big Ten a spot in the playoff and probably a National Champion. What data is showing that we're okay to start in the middle of flu season but not right now.....? And not over a month from now either.....? But November sounds great! Show us the data, Kevin Warren. The way I see it, Kevin Warren is simply in over his head. This idea makes no sense to me. He needs to admit that he made a mistake and move the season back to the Fall. Honestly, let's start in the first week of October. You still have a month to prepare. What is so hard about that? 

Start October 3rd. Play a 10 game schedule. Big Ten Championship on Dec. 19th. And send the Buckeyes to the playoff.

You would think that the Big Ten would want to sync with the other Power 5 schools when it comes to regular season, the playoff, recruiting, etc. But the problem seems to be that the Big Ten leadership can't admit they made a mistake, and it's going to cost us much more than pride in the end.

Wow. I wonder "who" made that clear? I can't imagine it's the Presidents or Athletic Directors. It appears there's one person behind all of this terrible decision making. And now we're about to make another. All because Kevin Warren can't admit he was wrong. Folks, just push the original season back to October and evaluate it from there. It's not that hard.

Keep fighting, players, parents, and coaches. And keep suing, too. Maybe we can get him to change his mind in the next 40 days and have a season that aligns with the rest of college football.