
HUGE NEWS (?) B1G Football MIGHT Be Back

PLEASE GOD LET THIS HAPPEN!!! There is NOTHING better than Big Ten football in Chicago. I've said this a million times; the feeling in the air during the first week of college football is just different. I used to take the Red Line to Evanston for just about every Northwestern home game. I'd get on the train around 6am, get to the parking lot around 7am, be completely shitfaced around 11am and then head into the game. After the game we'll do a little more tailgating, pack up and hit the saloons back downtown for whatever afternoon games are on. Because every bar is tied to a Big Ten school, everyone is out and about rocking their scarlet and gray, maize and blue purple and white, black and yellow, or whatever school they tie their allegiance to. That feeling just hits different in the crisp autumn air in chicago. 

It's so much goddamn fun and it's because Chicago is the B1G capital of the world. The fat lady ain't singing yet, but if the B1G does reverse course and have a season, talk about a MAJOR morale booster, and not only will it boost morale, it'll help bars, restaurants, etc. This would be awesome for our city in so many different ways.

So, Big Ten schools, please make this happen. Please don't let this be some PR move that's being made to get parents and players to shut the fuck up. We aren't even asking for fans - I can wait until 2021 for that if you promise you'll give us games we can at least watch on our couches or at bars. Deal? Deal.