
Yankee Stadium Has Been Dubbed The Gold Standard Of Sports Venues In the World When It Comes To How They'll Handle Fans Returning To The Stands

Yeah that's right. Yankee Stadium is now considered the gold standard in the entire world when it comes to sports venues that handle coronavirus. They have done it. Many doubted them, but once again they have proved the haters wrong. It's not surprising coming from the greatest organization in the history of mankind. Of course they figured this out. World class. 

Now listen, I won't bullshit you and tell you I knew this was a thing this morning when it was announced. Thankfully Hoch explains that this means the accommodations the Yankees have made will make it possible to reintroduce fans whenever the local government allows them to do so. 

Some of the new features added to Yankee Stadium include: assessment and improvement on all air and water filters; ensuring and providing the necessary resources for proper cleaning and sanitization among staff; updated and actionable emergency preparedness plans; addition of health and safety signage throughout the ballpark. -CBS Sports

GOLD. STANDARD. I'm picturing Fenway right now in its archaic, minuscule state having no clue how to keep fans distanced. Good luck with that. Hell I would guess they haven't spent a second thinking about how this will work for them. They don't care about the fans. Just have John Henry save every dollar he can and he'll be able to sleep soundly at night. Team wins 10 games? Who cares, we saved 5 bucks! The Yankees? They only care about the people and what they want. Baseball and safety. They've worked round the clock to get to this point and they should be commended. I am currently commending them. 

Gun to my head I'd say there's still no fans this year and I feel pretty confident saying that. I know it sucks, and I wanna be there so fucking badly, but just get through the season in one piece and be ready to rock for 2021. Would you go if they told you fans were allowed back? Listen, I'd sit in a goddamn hazmat suit for 9 innings if that's what it took. That being said with the postseason bubble likely happening I would say we're shooting for 2021 with things going back to "normal" with fans. 

Right now I'm just trying to watch this team play a fucking game. They've been postponed since last Wednesday and it's been none of their wrong doing. Corona for the Mets and weather. I've had enough. Let the Yankees play.