
LSU Hoops Coach Will Wade Is Now Being Accused Of Providing Cash Payments To At Least 11(!!) Recruits .. No Kidding, It's Will Wade

[Source] - The NCAA says LSU men's basketball coach Will Wade either arranged for or offered "impermissible payments" to at least 11 potential recruits or others around them, according to documents obtained Wednesday by ESPN.

The documents say the NCAA's enforcement staff received information that Wade "arranged for, offered and/or provided impermissible payments, including cash payments, to at least 11 men's basketball prospective student-athletes, their family members, individuals associated with the prospects and/or nonscholastic coaches in exchange for the prospects' enrollment at LSU."

This is one of those situations where you just laugh. Of course Will Wade paid a bunch of recruits. I mean we did hear it on audio: 

Will Wade didn't coach in the NCAA Tournament because he was under investigation for being on a wire tap allegedly paying players. This isn't exactly a secret. It's also one of those things I don't even care. Players should get paid. If a coach is declaring these guys worth a sum of money in order for him to be successful, kinda opens up your eyes that maybe these players are worth something more than a scholarship. Crazy thought, I know. 

Now comes the important part. Well two important parts. One, how quick does LSU fire Will Wade? They are pretty loaded this year - as in Final Four good. It's obviously late in the calendar year so if you fire Wade, you're not going and hiring your top coach. You're likely doing an interim deal or just promoting an assistant. Not exactly the best recipe when you have a team like LSU has this year. They return Ja'Vonte Smart (someone who allegedly got paid by Wade), Darius Days and Trendon Watford - all potential all-SEC players. 

Second, who are the players that are going to talk here? 

Not all 11 players ended up at LSU obviously. Will the NCAA use any of them? I want to see the list that comes out, because it will come out at some point. But let's not be surprised here. Will Wade was on wiretap, he was on a damn documentary where he was throwing out 'strong-ass offers.' It's also not just Will Wade. This is 99% of college hoops AND college football. I'm not going to pretend to be mad, it's how you recruit. 

Still makes me laugh out loud.