
HOLY SHIT IT'S HAPPENING: Reports Are Coming Out That Messi Told Barcelona He's Leaving The Club (Yeah, It's Soccer. But This Is MASSIVE)

I can't stress this enough. Holy. Shit. It was always expected that Messi was going to leave at some point, but Messi also has a history of not staying to his word. Remember when he retired from the Argentina national team? That lasted about as long as Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian, with more fanfare though. But then you remember this report just a week ago: 

Remember Messi was pissed at Barcelona pretty much the entire year. He feuded with the entire front office pretty much. Right after the 8-2 loss, Barcelona fired their manager, who was just hired in January. Naturally, Messi did not like him one bit. Barcelona fell apart under him too. They got eliminated from Copa Del Ray, they didn't win the league, they lost 8-2 in the Champions League quarterfinals. Not exactly a glowing season for a club that has massive expectations every single year. 

Now my biggest question is where does he go? Personally, I want him to come to the MLS just because it'd be hilarious. Imagine Messi saving the MLS the first year Beckham owns a team. I'm selfish though so it's FC Cincinnati or Tottenham. I'm just going to assume that's not going to happen for logical reasons and hope for the next best option. Join Ronaldo at Juventus and watch the world burn with people arguing Messi vs Ronaldo on the same team. He's going to be linked to every squad, though I feel like he's been linked to Man City for years now. The second question is what is his transfer fee, there is apparently this clause: 


Either way this is as big of sports news you'll see from a world standpoint in a long, long time. Messi has been with Barcelona since 2004 and that's just the senior team. He spent three years in the youth program at Barcelona too. He's scored 444 goals in 485 appearances for Barcelona. That's just flat out absurd. 

PS: I love Italian TV already recruiting him to Inter: