People In LA Are Such Fucking Pussies
I don’t like to get into the whole “You don’t know what real cold weather is” argument because cold weather sucks. Its like comparing who is poorer or who has the smaller penis. If you’re taking pride in cold weather your head is screwed on sideways. Chicago is the greatest city in America EXCEPT for January-March. Winter sucks, anyone who says differently is either a moron or an Inuit.
But this, this is just fucking ridiculous. FIFTY degrees? And people are complaining like this? Like this guy, is this guy for real?
I mean I know he’s probably used to beer and sun not gortex and thinsulate gloves but give me a fucking break dude. Its just not possible to be this much of a pussy. I refuse to believe it. If America was middle school gym class, California would be the pathetic little weenie that can’t play kickball because his mom said his asthma might flair up. Soft as soft can get.
I thought LA was supposed to have the hottest everything? In that entire clip I didnt see one weathercaster/newswoman that could go toe to toe with Chicago’s Cheryl Scott.