
Is Earl Thomas About To Fall Into The Cowboys Lap?

Well well well, after all of the hoopla surrounding Earl Thomas requesting to be in Dallas, telling Jason Garrett  "if you have a chance to get me, come get me", this team may finally get it's chance. Not only might they get their chance to pick up one of the best safeties in the league, they can get him finally on the cheap. 

Lordie, after losing Gerald McCoy and shedding the $6MM from that contract along with restructuring Tyron Smith's contract that saves the organization around $7MM, we might be able to actually do something here. Now, I don't want to have to trade any valuable pieces for him to get to the Big D but it looks like Earl has become so toxic in Baltimore that we may not have to. 

The upside to picking up Earl Thomas is that when he's playing to his ability he can be a game changer and god knows Dallas has been looking for a safety of his caliber for a while now. But the downside is, well, he's the same Earl Thomas who disrupted the Seahawks by missing all of training camp, who flipped off Pete Carroll, and the same Earl Thomas who just got himself run out of Baltimore after one year.

But the Cowboys are built to win NOW, and if they can get 80% of Earl Thomas for this season (which is definitely a high probability), than it's definitely a risk worth taking. Future me can deal with Thomas when he starts to turn sour and pisses the rest of the team off. For right now, he's the exact right guy to help the Cowboys get over the hump. And I think he'll have something to prove, at least in the short term.