
Ron Rivera Has Been Diagnosed With Lymph Node Cancer That He Calls "Very treatable and curable"


Boy. Some things I never know how to blog, and cancer is one of them. Ron Rivera has had a ginormous impact on the organization before even coaching 1 game, and now has been diagnosed with cancer. Thankfully it's, in his words, "very treatable and curable", but still, scary shit. 

I'm glad they have a plan in place and that he will be getting the best treatment possible. And hey, not the worst thing that he's going to be more cranky. Nobody wants to piss off the coach with cancer, that's for sure. It's pretty surreal to be blogging this, but he seems to be in good spirits so we're just going to feed off that energy. All the best to Coach and his family, let's kick cancer's ass and then win a Super Bowl.