
Should David Perron Get Arrested For Stealing Tyler Motte's Stick? Hear What Local Law Enforcement Has To Say

I've reached out to the mounties in Edmonton but still haven't received any word back. So I'll take that as a "no comment" from the EPS. 

As for me? Well I just don't see how there's anyway you could watch that clip and not think that David Perron should have left that game in a pair of handcuffs last night. That's blatant theft right there. About as clear-cut as it gets. We have video evidence of the crime and what's even worse for Perron here is that you could easily make the case that this was premeditated. Tyler Motte had already scored 2 goals on the night, including this shorthanded beauty. 

Clearly there was some juice in that Bauer. And with the reigning champs now just one loss away from having their season come to an end, it's clear that David Perron had planned on stealing this twig to make sure it doesn't deliver the final dagger in game 6. I'm sorry but just because these guys are flying around on a sheet of ice wearing a bunch of razor sharp blades attached to their feet doesn't mean that the law shouldn't apply to them anymore. You steal property, you get arrested. And if you've seen the prices of hockey sticks these days, this is no petty theft. If the NHL Department of Player Safety doesn't step in, then maybe some lawyers should. 

Sidenote: You can't spell Elias Pettersson without "elite". That's a fact. Go ahead and try it. I dare you. 
