
Trevor Bauer Wearing "Free Joe Kelly" Cleats For Today's Game is a Legendary Move

I feel like it's pretty split whether people love or hate Trevor Bauer. It honestly might just depend on the day. Sometimes you might catch him fighting with Aubrey Huff and preaching WAR in a Twitter fight, some days he's relentlessly trolling Rob Manfred and the Houston Astros. To each their own, but what I do know is that we need more people like Trevor Bauer in Major League Baseball. The dude is good for the sport and has no problem calling out the league when they're wrong (which happens a lot). Today we've got Bauer rocking "Free Joe Kelly" cleats for today's Reds doubleheader. Just an incredible fuck you move to Manfred and the Astros. He's pitching Game 2 tonight, I hope he keeps them on for both games. What a hero. 

Stop apologizing for grand slams. Keep trolling Manfred and the Astros. Deal? Deal. Sounds like a fun plan to me. 

P.S. Fully expecting Joe Kelly to get another eight games for Trevor's actions. Can't have that in today's game.