
Messi Was Reportedly So Humiliated By Barcelona's 8-2 Loss, He Just Straight Up Told The Team He's Leaving Them This Summer

And in English: 

[Source] - Messi was furious after Barca were humiliatingly dumped out of the Champions League on Friday with an 8-2 thumping by Bayern Munich. He reportedly threatened to quit if there was not a major restructure at the Nou Camp.

But he is not willing to wait for the change and wants to leave "immediately", according to Esporte Interativo.

An inside source close to Messi is quoted as saying: "He has never seen Leo so determined to leave as now."

The Brazilian outlet correctly revealed Neymar was leaving Barca for Paris Saint-Germain in 2017. Barcelona have refuted the claims, according to Catalan outlet Sport. And one senior figure has reportedly warned any pursuers:: "He has a contract until June 2021, with a clause of £633million.”

Messi, 33, has grown disillusioned with life at his boyhood club following numerous mounting problems behind the scenes. His contract expires next summer when he can leave for free but he appears determined to leave right now.

8-2! How Barcelona loses 8-2, even to Bayern is still beyond me. But either way, there were questions before the match if it would be Messi's last at Barcelona as he's been leaning towards leaving for what feels like the entire year. And now we're getting the report that Messi was so embarrassed, he's just calling it quits. I don't blame him, you lose 8-2 that's as bad as it gets. 

Shit, it's not even the first move that would happen with Barcelona. They fired their manager right after the game! 

Now the question is did Barcelona fire Setien in an effort to keep Messi? It wasn't exactly a secret Messi wasn't the biggest fan of the hire - Setien was hired in January. Barcelona fell apart under him too. They got eliminated from Copa Del Ray, they didn't win the league, they lost 8-2 in the Champions League quarterfinals. Not exactly a glowing season for a club that has massive expectations every single year. 

All I know is, Messi leaving Barcelona would be up there for the biggest in story in sports. He's been there since 2004 and that's just the senior team. He spent three years in the youth program at Barcelona too. He's scored 444 goals in 485 appearances for Barcelona. That's just flat out absurd. That said, I know a spot for Messi. 

COME TO THE MLS, MESSI! Prove to the world that you can carry a league. Or, you know, just go to Man City like so many people are projecting and be boring. Either/or really.