
Jeff Brohm's Spring Football Plan Sucks

With the Big Ten and Pac-12 having "postponed" — they're canceled — their fall football seasons, the leagues keep pushing this narrative that they're going to try to play in the spring. I honestly don't know if even they believe that or not, but what I do know is that playing a spring college football season is a categorical impossibility — and that's not even factoring in counting on the same people who did nothing for five months to have a fall season making the same plans.

On Thursday, Purdue head coach Jeff Brohm released a rather detailed plan on how a spring season could potentially work in conjunction with the 2021 season next fall. And as much as I applaud his effort for making a more detailed plan than any of his bosses made in almost half a year, that doesn't necessarily mean it's a good plan.

Brohm's plan includes an eight-game season starting in February with the College Football Playoff ending in the middle of May and then a 10-game season next fall. Brohm's Playoff proposal also expands the field to six teams.

So let's say a team like Alabama or Clemson reaches the national championship game in each of the two seasons. Brohm's plan would have that team possibly play 24 games in 11 months. College football this fall was supposedly canceled due to player safety, but then we're going to turn around and have these guys play the most violent sport in existence almost non-stop for a year?

Put aside all the logistical non-starters a spring season present — hello, National Football League. My biggest problem with a spring season is included in Brohm's plan and would be in any other proposal: why do we want to mess up next year's season too just to play some phony, eight-game season in March?

I am not willing to lose two college football seasons to play one fake one. I still very much hope the other three Power Five conferences play football this fall, but if they don't, we need to pack it up and actually plan to have a real college football season in 2021. Believe me, nobody wants college football more than I do, but I want real college football.

We're not playing football in the spring. So hold out hope for this fall, but if that doesn't happen, we need to make real plans for next year and get this thing right.