
Antoine Roussel Teaches Us Why If You Want To Win The Cup, You Might Want To Wear One

Playoff hockey, baby. 

Every kid who grows up playing hockey dreams about one day hoisting the Stanley Cup over their head. They work their entire lives just to get a crack at it. So if that means you have to receive an impromptu vasectomy along the way, then that's a small price to pay to get your name etched into that Cup for all of eternity. 

With that being said…you might want to throw a cup on for the playoffs. Just because in a 7-game series, it's going to get greasy out there. The refs suck at their jobs for the majority of the year but they really suck at it come the playoffs. You're going to take a Bauer Nexus or 7 to the dick at some point throughout the series. That much is a guaranteed fact. It's playoff hockey and cup checks are fair game. 

Sidenote: What a moment for Troy Stetcher last night. Stetcher unfortunately lost his father back in June.  So obviously it's been a pretty emotional couple of months for him. But last night he steps into this one and goes low blocker side on Binnington to riffle home the eventual game winner. And immediately after that puck drilled the back of the net, he points up to the skies for his old man. 

Awesome moment. Vancouver also looks loaded right now. 
