
Jimmy Butler's Mental Warfare vs TJ Warren As He Shut Him Down All Game And Then Celebrating On Instagram is PEAK Jimmy Butler


Perhaps the most hyped up 1v1 matchup in the bubble. Jimmy Butler vs TJ Warren. Sure, Jimmy Butler has been an All-Star and is part of the reason the Heat are pretty damn good this year, but TJ Warren has been arguably the biggest star of the bubble. Oh, there's also this from earlier this year: 

So last night what does he do? Just follows TJ Warren around like a little kid when his coach tells him that's who he has to defend. It's also just peak Jimmy Butler. There's no one who would make sure he jumps up off the bench the moment he sees TJ Warren. It also helps Butler is a fucking absurd defender. 

But come on you knew Butler would go over the top with this.  You're talking about a guy who had a noise complaint called on him for dribbling in his hotel room too late at night. That also may or may not have been called by Jimmy Butler himself too. But since it's Jimmy Butler he goes right to Instagram: 


Which apparently was trolling TJ Warren: 

You got the Heat twitter account even getting into it changing its profile picture for a few hours. This is what we need. We need dudes actually hating each other. I don't care if it's Jimmy Butler being Jimmy Butler and TJ Warren. Hopefully it leads to a Pacers/Heat fight. I hate that I can't hate this Heat team. Love Bam. Love Herro. Duncan Robinson's story from D3 to Michigan to the best damn shooter apparently ever is absurd. I'm a Jimmy Butler fan. 

Let's get Pacers/Heat in the playoffs.