
Wake Up With Mike Piazza’s Epic ‘Baywatch’ Cameo

This is the moment that defines the 1990s. It needs to be preserved in a vault inside a bunker under a mountain so it will survive a holocaust and future generations will understand that time in history.

Why is Mike Piazza, a future Hall of Famer, swinging a bat on the beach in his jersey? Because MLB is on strike and he has to keep his swing sharp. Der. Then he helps CJ save a life. In 18 inches of water. While she delivers a lecture on the dangers of riptides and he places his hand JUST above her personal low tide mark. CJ then limits her follow up question to the woman she just rescued from a near death experience to “You OK?” and then it’s off to make sure the rest of her beachgoers are safe from Barry Sanders running through them, Wayne Gretzky firing slap shots or Andre Agassi working on his serve. What a magical time 1994 was to be alive.