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30 Good Movies You Can Stream Right Now According To Kenjac (Vol. 29)


1. Nightcrawler

2. Dallas Buyers Club

3. Private Life

4. Pan's Labyrinth 

5. The Witcher (SERIES)

1. Richard Jewell

2. The Hitcher

3. Hanna

4. In a World…

5. True Detective (SERIES) Skip the shit out of season 2 

1. Rashomon

2. Three Days of the Condor

3. Howl's Moving Castle (You get an early glimpse at Bale's batman voice)

4. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

5. Samurai Jack (SERIES)

1. The Peanut Butter Falcon

2. Best in Show

3. A Mighty Wind

4. Pilgrimage 

5. Malcolm in the Middle (SERIES)


1. The Wailing

2. Midnight in Paris (I mentally black out who directed it because it is a solid movie)

3. Blow the Man Down

4. Red

5. Luther (SERIES)

1. The Greatest Showman (Drops Friday)

2. Wreck it Ralph

3. The Chronicles of Narnia 

4. Chasing the Equinox

5. The Simpsons (SERIES)