
Chargers TE Hunter Henry Talks to Pardon My Take About Philip Rivers Being Down One Score Late, Smack Talk

To send you into the weekend, Mr. Cat and Mr. Commenter welcomed on San Diego Super Los Angeles Chargers TE Hunter Henry. The trio discussed his career, thee miraculous lateral play at Arkansas, and, of course, playing with Philip Rivers while ALWAYS being down one score late in the fourth quarter.

Mr. Cat: Not saying anything about Justin Herbert, because I'm sure he's gonna be great, but how much do you miss Phil Rivers?

Hunter Henry: Oh, I miss Phil a ton, man. He's a stud. And I mean, he was just very underrated to me. I mean, I think he's a Hall-of-Fame player. And, you know, everybody wants to debate that. But I think he is. I mean, he's a stud. And just the things that he does in the background that I got to see, just firsthand, how he prepares, and how he plays, and just the player he is, the smack talk on the field. Just everything he is, man. He's just a true football player at quarterback, man. And it was just it was so fun to be around. It's weird, him not being in there.

Mr. Cat: You say smack talk on the field, but he doesn't swear. So what is Phil Rivers smack talk like?

Hunter Henry: Yeah, he's got good swear replacements. "Horse mess" is the go-to. When I showed up, he yelled at me and said "horse mess." I was like, I don't know what to say back to that, you know, "Golly Day."

Mr. Commenter: We've heard "Gracious to Pete."

Hunter Henry: "Gracious to Pete" is an all-timer for sure. Honestly, he's just a he's a clean smack talker. But he loves to smack talk and get their head a little bit. Yeah. 

Mr. Cat: We're obviously huge, huge football fans and we joke that Sunday doesn't feel like Sunday until the Chargers are down one score late in the fourth quarter. It's like 6:45, last game on the Red Zone channel. And Phil is like trying to bring you back. Do you feel that? Have you had those moments? You're like, "Wait. We're here again? Like deja vu, yet again."

Hunter Henry: Yeah, it's funny you say that. We talk about it nonstop. It's brutal. We're in every single game, always, and we somehow find a way to blow it and we make up ways to blow it. You know, last year we, you know, we missed a field goal or we throw an interception at the end of the game or we're always gonna be there at the end. Like we're gonna have a two minute drive to either go kick a field goal, to tie it to go to overtime or touchdown to win it. Yeah, we're always there. And I mean, that's the biggest thing I think we're trying to focus on this year, is just trying to finish games. You know, winning those close ones. I mean, that's really what the good teams in the NFL do. They win the close games. Yeah, that's you know, that's a four to five game swing on your win loss record right there. 


Death. Taxes. Phil Rivers being down one score late in the fourth quarter. There is truly nothing like it, and I'm glad that Hunter Henry realizes how much football fans love to see that happening, even if it comes at a cost of his team losing a game.