
Kemba Walker Admitted He Was Very Close To Signing With The Knicks This Offseason

I know I'm supposed to hate Knicks fans and all that, but I just can't. I mostly feel bad for them at this point. Every week it seems like there's another star player who has a statement like this. How they were oohhhhh so close to signing with the Knicks only they ya know, didn't sign with the Knicks. That has to be torture for that fanbase that is begging for a star to finally save that franchise. 

But unfortunately, Danny Ainge was at the top of his tampering game and secured his point guard of the future. I for one am rather thankful. Not only has Kemba completely changed the culture and vibe around this team from what we saw last year, but he's playing some of his best basketball

He's a huge part of why the two Jays are flourishing. He's selfless, the smile is infectious and the talent is All Star caliber. I can understand the Knicks appeal though seeing as how Kemba is from the Bronx and balls his face off at MSG. He would have been a God in that Garden. Thankfully, he took his talents to the other Garden. I can only imagine what the Celts would have done had Kemba not showed up, probably overpay for Terry Rozier. While he's a nice player, not sure I want to be paying him the $19M he's getting in CHA. Instead, Kemba's arrival kept this team's rebuild right on track, they remain contenders and after a little hiccup with his knee Kemba looks back to his old self. 

He often talks about the Celts history, the talent on the roster, and all the pandering things we Celtics fans love to hear

and I'm happy I don't have to live in a world where this team is missing out on big time free agents to the goddamn Knicks. That would not be the best look and it's a relief to hear that whatever Danny Ainge tampering went down was enough to pull Kemba away from his home city. 

One of these days the Knicks will get someone awesome, they just have to find a way to get rid of Dolan. Until then, expect more quotes like this.