
Wake Up With The Scariest Team In The NHL

Good morning....IT IS GAME DAY!

Feels good to say. Feels good to believe. Watching that simple video that is all of 60 seconds long has me jacked to the roof and the game isn't for another 14 hours. I'm just gonna be pouring coffee through my veins so my heart rate matches my brain. 

Expect a big push from Edmonton tonight. It's a must win for them. That's the dangerous, scary, beautiful thing about a best of 5. You lose one game and suddenly everything is on the line. It's incredible. No room to ease yourself into the series. You need to be ready to go from the opening puck drop. The Hawks were on Saturday. I expect both teams ready to go tonight. Buckle up. 

PS: Caggiula deserved that suspension IMO. Anyone who has watched hockey the past couple years knew it was coming. I'd go with Sikura or Hagel in his place tonight.