
Suzyn Waldman is a Legend

Really cool moment before the Yankees got their home opener going in the Bronx today. Yankees radio legend Suzyn Waldman sang the National Anthem from the broadcast booth. Why was this noteworthy? Well for starters if you've followed the Yankees at all you know Suzyn is a superstar. She was the first voice ever heard on WFAN airwaves doing a sports update. She's John Sterling's partner in crime calling Yankees games on the air as the only woman to have a full-time analyst job in baseball history. Suzyn is a bad ass and she crushed this Anthem. 73 years old and still has the pipes. 

Now to the really cool reason she sang the National Anthem. Eight years ago when Gerrit Cole was with the Pirates he had a conversation with Suzyn before a game with the Yanks. When he was asked about what she did before broadcasting she told him she was an actress and singer in musical theatre. Waldman went on to tell Cole that he would make the perfect Yankee and that if he ever signed with the Yankees in his career she'd sing the National Anthem for him. Flash forward to now and she paid her bet. That's just awesome. 

Cole acknowledged her afterwards. How can you not love this guy?

This is the kind of friendship I'd never expect, but love so much at the same time. Only thing I'm bummed about is that John Sterling wasn't there tonight since he was sick. Thankfully he doesn't have covid, but still never like to hear him under the weather at his age. 

Go Yanks.