
The Dodgers' Will Smith Decapitated A Fan In Los Angeles Yesterday


I know Will Smith has had a rough couple of weeks, but did he really have to attack a fan's cardboard cutout? We talk about safety for fans, extending netting, making sure people are paying attention at games, and we still see a guy take a home run ball directly to his neck. Almost ripped his head straight off. The Dodgers' Will Smith hit his first bomb of the season and one fan's cardboard cutout got more than it bargained for. The ball nearly took his head straight off, his capa was almost detated. Naturally the video went viral and the fan who's cutout it was reached out to the Dodgers to see if he can get the ball that ripped through his jugular. Smith reached out to the fan, apologized and apparently is gonna hook him up with some stuff. Maybe some tape to fix that rip.



This will likely be the first of many cardboard cutout injuries we see this season. I love what the teams are doing with them, letting the fans get super creative. And for what it's worth, give me the cardboard cutouts over the digitally imposed fans. We've seen giant babies, dogs, mascots, the Athletics have a cutout of Tom Hanks selling hot dogs. Most of the money is being donated to charity too, another reason why this is a no brainer. Sure you'll get some injures to the cutouts, but that is a risk you take going to a game. For the teams not doing these cutouts, why do you hate fun? Lighten up so I can see a chance for a cutout of myself taking a foul ball right to the face.