
Philly Fans Everywhere Need to Stop What They're Doing and Watch This Phils Hype Video

Holy shit. Hype my ass up why don't you. When it comes to motivators in this city there are really only two names that come to mind, Brian Dawkins and Jimmy Rollins, and my god did Jimmy bring it for this one. I went to sleep last night thinking about how lucky the Phils were to have an expanded playoffs this year because they should be right around the sweet spot of those extra teams. Now there is no doubt in my mind we are winning the division. If Jimmy says this is going to be a special year then you best listen. 

I mean he literally said he's no fortune teller in the hype video which is obviously something a fortune teller would say. I've never been more pumped for opening day. Give me a Harper bomb and 6 scoreless from Nola tonight and I swear I'll forget this whole quarantine thing ever existed. God it's good to be back. Go Phils baby. 

Also may as well take a trip down memory lane to see what happened after Jimmy said the Phils were the team to beat in 07.