
All Aboard The Illini Baseball Bandwagon!

Allllll aboard!!!

Real quick shout out here, I’ve tried to make it a point to become more of a college baseball fan this year, but it’s always been hard for me because the Big Ten was so brutal until the last few years or so. That’s not the case anymore with multiple B1G teams ranked.

Anyways, in checks #8 ranked University of Illinois Fighting Illini. They are WHITE HOT. So much fun to watch right now. Winners of 17 straight, team full of Stoolies, multiple future draft picks including potential 1st rounder Tyler Jay. I’d kill to be on this bus and back in college.

There is nothing like the camaraderie inside a college baseball teams clubhouse. Long ass bus trips where you dip your lip off, tell all sorts of stories, bitch about your coach, etc. etc. etc. Keep it rolling fellas!