
Holy Shit We Actually Made It To Opening Day!

Wow does it feel good to wake up and say it's actually Opening Day. No more waiting and wishing. No more intrasquad or exhibition games. We are fucking back baby! 

There were so many of you who gave up. So many of you that said it couldn't possibly work. So many of you that were just content watching no sports for the rest of 2020. I kept the faith for once in my miserable life and it led me to this moment. Listen, for a little while it did seem like the players and owners were going to tear this thing apart because of money and I was going to hurt myself, but hey we're here and that's all that matters. Should the season have already started? Absolutely, but I'll settle for now. 

Sure it's not going to be normal, but don't let perfect be the enemy of good. It's a 60 game sprint instead of a 162 game marathon. There are no fans. There's a universal DH. Extra innings will be a circus with runners starting on 2nd base with nobody out. There's the three batter rule still. We might find out later today that the playoffs are being expanded as we're just hours away from first pitch in Washington D.C. Hell, the Blue Jays might have to play every game on the road. Sure, it's going to be weird, but it's still going to be so much fun. It'll also be one of the more memorable baseball seasons in the sport's history. Who the fuck knows what'll happen, what players will shine, what teams will shock everyone, but it's happening and I'm so fucking excited. Baseball is my life. It's all I care about. It's just about the only thing that makes sense to me. Tonight I get to watch it and have it actually mean something again. I could cry. In classic 2020 fashion it is supposed to rain in our nation's capital tonight, but the forecast is kinda looking more positive as I keep checking. Fingers crossed they get this in because the blue balls I'll have with a rain out would be traumatic. Don't make me wait another day. We need this. 

Gerrit Cole vs. Max Scherzer to bring back the major sports to America, then Kershaw vs. Cueto for a night cap. Friday's slate will be full of baseball starting at 4:00 with the Mets and Braves. Feed it to me. Give me it all. Baseball is back. The Yankees are back. Inject it into my veins. I'm gonna have five hot dogs today to celebrate and wash it down with some cold, refreshing great tasting less filling Miller Lite.