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Entire Stage Collapses As High School Students Rock Out During A Play


Screen Shot 2015-04-24 at 8.33.21 AM



WESTFIELD, Ind. — School doors opened Friday morning to welcome pupils still shocked by a stage collapse that injured 17 students during a spring musical. Relieved officials told reporters that all the injuries appeared to be minor including to one student who had been listed as critical. Westfield police will lead the investigation into the incident during the presentation of “American Pie” a student-led musical at Westfield High School. Seventeen students were hurt and all but one needed hospital treatment, police said. Westfield schools superintendent Mark Keen said the part of the stage that collapsed has a removable floor over an orchestra pit. Mayor Andy Cook said he visited students at several hospital overnight and many of them were upbeat. “I said, ‘You kids must really have been rocking.’ ” Cook told an early morning press conference. “They said, “Yes, we had a good time.’ ” Keen said opening the schools would let students comfort each other, provide normalcy and allow access to counselors.













Just kidding.  It sounds like all the kids are alright and only suffered minor injuries.  What hilariously perfect timing for that stage to fall.  Right at the part of that song where’s there’s so much hope and it totally collapses and almost kills everybody.  The silver lining here is no one will ever forget their performance.  That play will stick in people’s minds forever.  For maybe the wrong reasons?  Doesn’t matter.  They’ll be remembered.  At the end of the day ,that’s all you can ask for as a performer.