Ben Simmons Is Already Splashing Disney 3's So Now You're All In Big, Big Trouble

I truly feel sorry for the haters. For many folks out there, Ben Simmons refusing to splash from beyond the arch was the only thing that was keeping their life together. As soon as Ben Simmons starts going off and racking up those 3's, everything starts to fall apart. Their marriage, their work life, their social life, everything that they know and love will cease to exist when they can no longer use Ben's shot as a way to dismiss the Sixers as being legitimate contenders. So unless you're a Sixers fan or a divorce lawyer, the next few months look like they're going to be extremely painful for you. 

And I know, I know. "yada yada yada I won't care until I see it happen in an actual game on a regular basis". All you bozos love to say that shit. But you have to realize that these aren't going to be regular games once the NBA season gets going again. It's an empty gym. And where exactly does Ben Simmons' shot thrive the most? As we've seen in the past, it's in empty gyms. Where he doesn't have to worry about bricking a shot in front of thousands of fans. Where he doesn't have to worry about hearing any boo's if he passes up a wide open shot on one possession and can just let it rip on the next trip down the floor. Ben Simmons was born to play in front of zero fans. He was made for this moment. And the doubters are violently ill about it. 
