Breaking News - The Bunny Ranch Has Officially Endorsed Hillary Clinton For President #HookersForHillary
Well this is some huge news. I know we’re far away from the actual election but it’s never too early to start throwing your support around and these hookers are ALL in on Hillary. Now I did not expect them to talk about actual politics in this video
But hey, I guess even a hooker gets a vote right? Just imaging Denis Hof and his house full of hookers sitting around the dinner table talking about Supply Side Economics and healthcare reform is quite the thought. Way to go gals, way to get the word out there! Only question, where’s that midget bunny they used to have? Did she die? That’s kind of sad if true. RIP midget bunny
Also props to the lady who hosted that video, you could hear how hard reading was for her, way to power through.
Good to see Airforce Amy is still out there looking high as fuck.