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RG3 Asked To Pick Tom Brady's Brain. Tom Brady Said Not A Fucking Chance, Kid

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“Hey Rob… GET… THEFUCK…. OUT!!!!!”




What a move from RG3. Basically like Lex Luther asking Superman to teach him how to fly. Like Russia asking America to teach it how to we run our armies. You think Tom is gonna sit down and open the vault for you? Teach you all the secrets of becoming the greatest human being to ever live? “Sure thing, bud! That’s actually step 1, letting your mortal enemies know exactly what makes you so great. Here, grab a pen and I’ll finish the rest of the list for you.” Get real, Bob. Asking the fiercest competitor to ever live to divulge all his secrets is the stupidest thing ever. Honestly Tom deserves a Good Samaritan award for simply telling Griffin “No.” I’m sure a part of him was thinking I could just take this little doe eyed kid and lie to him for 3 hours and he’ll believe every word I say. Tom had RG3’s career in the palm of his hand and decided not to squash it like a bug, instead he let him live to figure it out for himself. Incredibly kind of Him.