
Wake Up With The Very Best Of Jiminy Glick

Jiminy Glick's was on the air from June 2001 to July 2003. For those of you who are unfamiliar, you're welcome. He was played by Martin Short and will go down, in my opinion, as one of his greatest characters. Just a morbidly obese celebrity obsessed buffoon with four strapping strapping young boys: Morgan, Mason, Matthew, and Modene. This 'best of' barely scratches the surface of the interviews he did so I encourage you to go check them all out on YouTube. My favorite is Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Bill Mar (who he destroys), and John McEnroe. He also has great ones with Mel Brooks, Jack Black, and Ice Cube. Honestly they're all great. There's not much else to say other than GO WATCH THEM! Have a wonderful Thursday.