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According To Reports, It Sure As Shit Seems Like The Mets Are Steve Cohen's To Lose


It doesn't matter if that tweet said $200k more, $200m more, or $200b more. I have no doubt in my mind that if Steve Cohen wants the Mets and is the dude we've all been told he is, he will load up every single dollar the Wilpons ask for in a giant bag with the money sign on the front and slap Jeff Wilpon across the face with it on his way to handing it to Fred in exchange for rights to own the New York Metropolitans Baseball Club Inc. Steve Cohen made $200k since you started reading this blog and made more than $200 million in one investment since April.

If the Wilpons are ready to roll over and let Uncle Stevie pet their belly, this shit is as close to a wrap as we will get as Mets fans since every closer in our history turns into a tightrope walker once they put on orange and blue. I will never discount something going awry because Jeff Wilpon can fuck up a wet dream. But if Stevie forking over the most cash and a handshake is all that is needed to seal this deal again, I am going to start believing in a better world where the Wilpons are gone and the Mets fill their hole in center with Mookie Betts this winter.

We gotta believe!