
MLB Sucks At Testing Their Players And The Teams Are Fucking Pissed


Raise your hand if you thought MLB would be able to pull this off without a hitch. I hands raised. And just as expected, MLB is fudging up the season every step of the way. No wonder players are choosing to sit out instead of going through with MLB's half-assed opening. They are mandating players get tested...but can't even get the results of the tests back. And that's if the testers even show up at all.



This is a bazillion dollar corporation and they cannot figure out how to do simple testing. Opening Day is supposed to be in 17 days and while this is unprecedented times and I *assume* they are doing the best they can, that's not good enough. MLB has to do this perfectly, and they are failing. In the public eye, and the players/front office are not going to tolerate it. They are coming back to play mid-pandemic, they at least want MLB to have their shit together and feel safe enough to be there. It's not that huge of an ask. 

If there is any sort of silver lining, it's the other leagues will be able to look at how MLB is handling this and work off that. Learn from MLB's mistakes. Not saying NBA/NHL/NFL will be perfect, but at least they'll have a better idea of how this shit should run.