
Wake Up On The 4th Of July With President Whitmore's Speech From Independence Day

If you need a little extra boost to get moving on the weirdest 4th of July we have ever lived through, the greatest speech of all-time should do the trick. 2020 has done a number on this country but at least we haven't had to deal with aliens attacking and invading us.




...Shit. We are DEFINITELY getting attacked by aliens before 2020 is over, huh? We better add a Bill Pullman/Will Smith ticket to the ballot in November just in case since I'm pretty sure that duo can fix any and all problems the world has ever seen, even if Independence Day came out 24 years ago. Dammit, that just made me depressed. Time to wrap up the blog so I can focus on eating and drinking like a true American.

Happy 4th everybody. Have fun and be safe!