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Drunk Gal Decides To Stop Her Car In The Middle Of The Highway And Take A Stroll In High Heels


SAN DIEGO – It was a crazy scene as cars had to swerve to avoid hitting a drunken woman who was meandering in and out of lanes on the I-15  freeway in City Heights early Thursday morning.  The incident began at about 1:45 a.m. when the women stopped in the middle lanes of northbound I-15 near University Avenue.  The woman trotted across the freeway and asked a bystander for jumper cables as cars sped by, almost hitting the stalled vehicle. A taxi driver and motorcyclist pulled over to help. However, the woman decided to walk back across the freeway and get into her car.  A bystander had to walk back onto the freeway and direct traffic as others attempted to get the driver to a safe place.  California Highway Patrol officers eventually arrived and arrested the woman on drunken driving charges. There were no injuries and no vehicles struck the Scion.”


What.  A.  Bitch.  The only thing worse than this drunken piece wandering the interstate in high heels is the chumps bending over backwards to try and help her out.  They must have saw her putting her pants back on and thought they had a freak on their hands.  I’m not going to say they’re wrong, but she’s still not worth literally playing in traffic for.  That dude waving his arms is arguably a bigger idiot than the drunk tats.  Oh well.  She’s still probably safer wandering the freeway drunk than behind the wheel sober, anyways.



You work for the news, pal?  Sure ya do, Nightcrawler.  Sure ya do.