Michael Jordan Caught The Absolute Biggest Fucking Fish I Have Ever Seen In My Life
Imagine being such a celebrity that you draw a sell out crowd to your recreational hobbies. Like there goes Kyle packing another dense bong hit AND THE CROWD GOES WILD. Absolutely fucking mind blowing but at the same time no surprise at all. He's the GOAT for a reason people. Bend the knee and show some goddamn respects in recognition of his greatness.
Allegedly this is from some kind of fishing tournament worth millions and even less of a surprise is that Mike has a branded, sponsored, professional team out here murdering the competition. And whether or not that's true, I don't know shit about fish other than the Asian Carp/Raccoon Gangbang blog I wrote this morning. And that my friends is no Asian fucking Carp. That's a beast of the sea and I for one wouldn't mind drowning a chilled, meaty flank of in soy sauce.
Do you like sushi? - every girl within 15 minutes of every 1st date
Anyways congrats to Mike on the big catch. Not the he gives a fuck but we're all cheering for you buddy. Big day on the waters tomorrow so rest up.