Kate Upton Says She Was Mad At Terry Richardson For Posting Her Cat Daddy Video Back In 2012
Fashion Spot – Not even a high-profile professional model like Kate Upton is safe from some of Terry Richardson’s creepiness. Back in 2012, fresh off that famous video of her doing the dougie at a basketball game, Terry Richardson tapped the model for a shoot, during which he recorded a behind-the-scenes video of Upton doing the Cat Daddy in nary but an extremely tiny bikini. The video itself got a lot of traction, but Upton was none too pleased at first about the video making the rounds. In fact, the model tells Vogue UK that she didn’t even think the clip would be released. In a move that seems so classically Richardson, the photographer posted the video without her knowing, which had Upton seeing red. The model reportedly confronted Richardson about it saying, “That was disrespectful, you could have told me!” But the clip garnered millions of views and actually wound up giving the model even more visibility. In the end, it worked out for her career.
Hey Kate Upton can you do us all a favor and join the rest of us on the planet earth? You’re a blonde chick with huge, huge tits. What exactly is the reason you think people like you?? You were put on this earth to do the Dougie and dance the Cat Daddy and show off your gigantic rack. When you dance in front of the camera all slutty in a bikini that barely covers your tits, do you think the photographer is just doing that for fun? Its obviously going to be posted and its obviously going to do wonders for your career so just pipe down about the disrespect. Yea, Terry Richardson is creepy as fuck but in this case he launched your career even further so how about a little respect for his “Does This Look Like The Face Of…” ass?
You’re not the Queen of England. You’re not an actress either. In case you havent noticed you went from the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover to fucking Game of War commercials so I think its time you revisit exactly who you are and what your career is. Might be time to figure out what the latest dance in the hood is and release another video of you and your tits doing it. Might be the only thing that can save you at this point.