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The Hostess Cupcakes Opening Day Tweet Is So Bad It Just Made Me Laugh Out Loud

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I hate 2015. Because there’s a chance this is on purpose. Maybe Hostess did this because you get more advertising out of “Hey look how dumb these guys are!” than you do from “Hey cute tweet.” Gone are the days where we can get a hearty chuckle out of people being genuinely stupid, now we need to second guess everything. I blame reality TV for that, it made people realize that fake stupidity often pays more dividends then sincerity. But I’m going to assume this is real because that’s funnier and brands are AWFUL on Twitter. They’re like your girlfriend, or your dad when you were younger. They come into the room while you’re hanging out with your friends then try to be cool but end up looking like an asshole and everyone gives them the “Are you fucking serious right now?” side eye. Yeah guys, Opening Day! Touchdownnnnnn am I right! Pass the puck and let’s slam dunk the funk!