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The Clyde Frazier Cow Suit Birthday Cake Is As Incredible And Ridiculous As Clyde Himself


For as much of a clusterfuck as the Knicks are these days, I have to admit that they did an A+ job handling Clyde’s 70th birthday.  Sure, they were forced to focus on the birthday of their team’s beloved announcer because the Knicks are clearly the worst team in the league.  But this cake is the epitome of the phrase “making chicken salad out of chicken shit”.  And the gold chain is literally the icing on the cake.

In addition to the cow suit birthday cake, they had the Clyde Frazier Suit Bracket (which the cow suit obviously won as I predicted) and a ton of other incredible stuff (including an updated soundboard) over at  So if it took the worst season is Knicks history for Clyde to get a little extra shine, I can live with it.  Especially if it was a year where the Knicks actually have their first round pick.

Also, with today being April Fool’s Day and all, here is a trip down memory lane for the time MSG tricked the world (read: me) into thinking that Clyde unretired and rejoined the Knicks in place of Scott Brooks.  I was calling all my friends to let them know that Clyde was back in the NBA.  In fact, if Brooks’ acting wasn’t as bad as his coaching, I would have probably believed that Clyde was back right up until tip-off.  Instead, I was just the asshole that fell for a typical, outlandish April Fool’s joke.  The lesson, as always, is fuck April Fool’s Day.  Tricking someone into thinking the coolest person on the planet is about to play for their favorite team makes you the worst person in the world.

PS- Just seeing Bob Page made me shriek in delight.  Such a blowhard dickhead that was the posterchild of NYC assholes is the 90s.