
E-Mails Were Released Of ASU Hoops Coach Bob Hurley Accusing ASU's AD Not Caring That A Booster Reportedly Sexually Harassed Hurley's Wife

[Yahoo] - In an email sent from Arizona State basketball coach Bobby Hurley to ASU athletic director Ray Anderson in December, Hurley alleges that Anderson minimized the harassment allegations that three wives of ASU staff members brought forth against a prominent booster.

The other potential lawsuit tied to the allegations against Wear comes from former ASU assistant athletic director David Cohen. He filed a notice of claim for $1.5 million that says he was fired in retaliation for insisting Anderson and ASU officials investigate the claims against Wear. Arizona State admitted in a statement in February that the allegations “could have been resolved in a quicker timeframe.”

Hurley goes on to accuse Anderson of coming up with a numeric scale in which he judged the harassment claims by the three women, one of whom is Hurley’s wife, Leslie. Hurley asks Anderson how he’d feel if his wife and daughter were in a similar situation. “Maybe in your words, the sexual assault committed by (redacted) was a 2 or a 3, but if this had happened to Buffie or Kimmy, would it still be a level 2 or 3?” Hurley wrote in the email. He added: “You have chosen to create your own numeric scale on what sexual assault mean(s) which is disturbing.”

Well holy shit this is some serious allegations and accusations from Bobby Hurley. It's worth noting that his wife is one of the three women accusing Bart Wear of sexual harassment. This back and forth has been going on for some time too. There was a story back in December about a booster sexually harassing women associated with Arizona State, one of which again being Bobby Hurley's wife. But this? There was no idea about how the e-mails were exchanged or anything like that. 

Arizona State has to fire Ray Anderson though. Look at that e-mail. How in 2020 can you respond like that? Going directly to lawyers, saying you're only going to talk about the men's basketball program. You simply can't respond that way no matter what you know/or don't know. It's baffling that someone this high up in college athletics can be that dumb when it comes to a response. 

To completely speculate about Hurley's job here though, it makes me wonder how quick he tries to move on from ASU or if ASU tries to move on from him after this coming year. ASU has a pretty loaded roster, the best roster he's had, highlighted by five-star Joshua Christopher. But let's say Anderson doesn't get fired. There's no way him and Hurley can keep working together. If I'm Hurley, I want to fucking punch him in the face for that response when it comes to a man who allegedly sexually harassed my wife. 

Either way, just a horrible situation going on out at Arizona State. I'll be curious to see where they go from here in what's really now turned into Anderson vs Hurley in a way too.