
NYC Is Not Only Healing But It Is Thriving Now That We Have People Fucking In Public Parks!

You guys smell that?

That's not the smell of love or funky butt loving public sex. It's the smell of New York City being #BACK! We had our first inkling of normalcy yesterday when video of people fucking in the subway hit the web.

But the chummy nature of the cameraman and the pipeman wishing each other well completely shattered the big city anger New Yorkers are known for. However, the sweet dove in today's video telling the cameraman to keep going and kill his dad was the exact gritty New York I know and love. Pretty much the early 90s Knicks right down to the promise of cumming that never actually came. 

It may feel like this quarantine is never going to end. But the steady rise in anger and public debauchery is a stark reminder that New Yorkers will overcome any and all obstacles to make sure the old normal replaces that bullshit new normal everyone's been talking about. #NewYorkStrong