
Kerryon Johnson Assures Us That He Is Working Out Even Though He's Only Posting Beach Pics With His Girlfriend On IG

The Lions RB room got a bit more crowded this offseason thanks to their 2nd round pick DeAndre Swift. He will join Kerryon Johnson and Bo Scarbrough alongside Matt Stafford in the backfield this season in Detroit. Talk about an SEC backfield. Auburn, Bama, and 2 Georgia guys. 

As you can see above, this fan-run Twitter account is suggesting that DeAndre Swift is focused on getting a starting RB position, while Kerryon Johnson is busy chilling on the beach with his (smokeshow) girlfriend:

In a really shocking turn of events, Kerryon took to Twitter to remind us that you can, in fact, workout AND go to the beach with your (smokeshow) girlfriend. A crazy idea! Who would've thought. 

I'm no scientist, but I do agree with Kerryon that this is a scientific possibility. 

Plus, by the look of Kerryon Johnson's girlfriend's Instagram, she is a workout enthusiast:

So, yeah, I think Kerryon Johnson is going to be fine. Plus, he has a hot girlfriend which is a massive plus. I'm not sure if @LionsFanReport was trying to roast Kerryon, but if they were this was a very weak attempt. 

P.s. Are the Lions going to whine about Patricia forcing them to run sprints again this year? 
