
WVU Guard Dax Miles Hid In The Handicap Stall Of The Bathroom To Avoid The Media After The Loss Last Night

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CBS — Kentucky casually and definitively put an end to West Virginia’s season and likely an end to future predictions by Mountaineers freshman Daxter Miles Jr. with a 78-39 victory in the Midwest Regional Semifinals.

Miles Jr. — who did not score a point against Kentucky — will go down at worst as a college basketball posterchild perma-meme or, if he’s lucky, merely a vague point of reference going forward. Worst NCAA Tournament prediction ever? Yeah. With UK matching Louisville’s Sweet 16 record-setting 39-point margin of victory vs. Arizona in 2009, Miles Jr. could not have been more wrong. Don’t prophesize victory against leviathan programs stockpiled with future pros.

Miles Jr. was the one who said Kentucky would be 36-1 after this game. Instead, UK now at 37-0, it moves on to Saturday’s Elite Eight game against No. 8 Notre Dame.

When West Virginia’s locker room opened for the media after the game, Miles Jr. was not under his placard, not sitting by his locker. He wasn’t on the other side of the building either, meeting with the media .

Miles Jr. was instead preparing himself for strangers’ faces to cram into his personal space, to deal with something that clearly got bigger than he could have ever expected. Tucked around a corner, in the team’s bathroom, Miles Jr. was waiting out the mob. When a media member approached one of his teammates for an interview in the small hallway leading to the bathroom, Miles Jr. then dipped into the handicap lavatory and closed the door behind him, his frizzy hair peeking above the tall stall.

WVU assistant Erik Martin sauntered over and said a few quiet words to Miles Jr. His head deliberately shook at the freshman. After Martin stepped away, Miles Jr. came out of the bathroom a few seconds later, and when he sat down, he went full Marshawn Lynch.

“Kentucky played great,” Miles Jr. said after being asked if he had any regrets over the faulty prediction. He repeated that phrase or some variation of it approximately 10-12 times over the next minute.


Ok Jesus, enough with this poor kid already. This is like the saddest thing I’ve ever read. Hiding in the freaking handicap stall to avoid the media, peeking through the cracks to see if they were gone yet.  Listen did the kid fuck up? Of course. He guaranteed a win and said the other team didn’t play hard, then put up 0 points in a 50 point massacre. He deserved to get mocked on Twitter a little bit and definitely deserved the Kentucky players chirping back afterwards, that’s fair and square. But I’m ready to move on now, don’t need to kick dirt in the dude’s face anymore.  He’s some 18 year old idiot freshman who was (unwisely) just trying to pump his team up with some confidence.  It blew up in his face and he paid the social media consequences.

Seriously in the end what did it really do, make Kentucky beat them by 50 instead of 25? Put their foot on the gas pedal a little harder to run up the score instead of just hitting double digits and coasting? I mean you saw that game. West Virginia wasn’t winning that game even if they all got on their knees and literally blew Kentucky beforehand while telling them how great they were and how big their NBA contracts were going to be.