
INCREDIBLE Video Of Fire Fighters Actually Walking Through Flames After A Factory In Los Angeles Exploded

(cnn)--An explosion in downtown Los Angeles forced firefighters to walk though "a fireball," setting their coats ablaze and sending four crew members to an intensive care unit.

Firefighters initially responded to a blaze near Little Tokyo and Skid Row on Saturday evening when "light to moderate" smoke was coming out of a building, Los Angeles Fire Department Chief Ralph M. Terrazas said.

"The building was locked, so the crews had to use power saws to force their way in," LAFD spokesman Capt. Erik Scott said.

The word "brave" gets thrown around pretty cheaply these days. Every once in a while it's nice to get a reminder of what the word originally meant. It's this. Rushing into a burning building to save lives and then walking through literal hell to get out of it. I gasped when I saw the video the first time. I mean look at this thing...

That bell rings these guys answer it every time. 

11 fire fighters were injured, but after reading a couple of articles it does sound like everyone made it out alive and they're expected to make a full recovery. The ability to just continue to walk forward in a situation like that blows my mind. All the thanks to the real heroes out there who risk their lives so that others may live.