
Surgeon Hails Conor McGregor As Irish Santa Claus For Coming Through With Supplies When They Needed It Most

Would ya look at that - not only did Conor McGregor just donate €1.5 million euros to benefit COVID-19 relief in Ireland - he showed up to a couple of hospitals to hand-deliver the supplies they needed the most! It was like fookin Christmas, they said! 

As Uncle Dana would put it, "Isn't he awesome?!"

Seriously, though, this is an amazing story! Dr. Nina Nyrnes sounds so genuinely thankful for that donation, and I think she's still talking in disbelief a little, considering Conor McGregor doesn't walk in on your surgery every day to hand you a new gown! You could hear it in her voice!

I'm so glad to see Conor giving back to the community and being such a positive voice for Ireland right now after going through a few years where some seemed to doubt where his priorities lay. All of the work he's done during this pandemic has been super admirable, though, and I think a lot of people are taking notice - especially across the pond - as they say. 

Shoutout to the Champ Champ.

P.S. What's up with the host of this show scoffing at the €1.5 million donation Conor made just because it was from an "MMA Fighter"? Are we acting like it came from Tekashi69 or something because Conor fights for a living? In IRELAND of all places?


Maybe he was saying they shouldn't have to rely on ANY donations, because the Irish government should've been more ready? I'm not really sure, it's hard to tell from this little clip. That definitely confused me, though - you be a little thankful, dude. Seems like a great thing!