
Myself and Chief Invested In Races Horses: Welcome Judy's Way, Mellissani, Tetsu and Yabba Dabba Dude To The Family

Tell me these are not the most beautiful horses you've ever seen!!!


Judy's Way: 

Yabba Dabba Dude:


I fucking LOVE these horses. Hopefully that cock sucker Chief doesn't pull a Ralphie Cifaretto, because I'll be forced to pull a Tony Soprano. That wouldn't be good for Barstool Chicago's future outlook.

Anyways - I'll make this quick, but this is something I'm VERY excited about. I come from a long line of degenerates. My dad, uncles, and their parents all LOVE horse racing in turn. To them there's no bigger thrill than betting the ponies. My old man calls it "day trading", with all due respect to DDTG. Every afternoon he hits the OTB, gets the DRF, handicaps the next days races and watches TVG for hours on end. Sometimes he loses money, often times he wins. 

Side note - there has been three (3) times I have given Daniel "Big Cat" Katz gambling locks. All three were horses that my dad has given me. Two or three times a year, if that, my dad will call me and say "Bet X horse at Y track" and when he does that, you bet that fucking horse. The horse is all but a guaranteed to win. All three times I've passed those 'locks' to Dan they've hit. Ask him yourself, it's a true story.

Add all of that up and that's why I'm extremely excited to get into the horse racing game. It'll make my degenerate father proud more so than anything. No, none of my horses are going to win the Triple Crown any time soon, and no, I don't have a Roman Approval level horse. This is a long term play to invest in more and better horses down the road, not something I'm doing for instant gratification. That said, the content opportunities that will arise once our horses are back at Arlington, which is hopefully sooner than later. I'm talking stable tours, jockey lessons, winner's circle pictures and more. 

***Important note*** 

Anyone looking to embark on this journey with us, let us know. We are opening this up to the Stoolies as well. Obviously it's a weird time, but the horses run at Tampa Downs in spring, Arlington Park from late spring and through the summer, Hawthorne in early fall and then back to Tampa for the winter. We want every goddamn Stoolie that gets in on this with us in a winner's circle picture with us at Arlington sooner than later. If interested, shoot me an email -